Happy New Year 2020!
2020/01/02 -Experiences
2020, あけましておめでとうThank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. I wish you a Happy New Year! May this New Year bring happiness and joy for you. And this year I'll update my English site little by little. Please look forward to it!
No.29 "The lucky keychain!? Is object reside spiritual things or feeling?"
2019/06/03 -Experiences
spiritualThank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. The story of 2006. When I were looking at the goods at an Asian grocery store, I found an intrigued item. It was a small figurine keychain.It was a small wood carving sculpture. They were of many types, carrying musical instruments, sitting cross-legged and more. I thought "It should be like an amulet of another country!" Usually I'm not interested in like that goods, but somehow I decided to buy the keychain. Moreover, I bought also two! Thus ...
No.22 " My spirit guide is Ochimusha!!? Story of doubt."
2019/02/16 -Experiences
spirit guideThank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. This is a story when I was a student. After school, I found some classmates excited. I heard a conversation like this. "You have three spirit guide. That is an old lady, so strong." "Your spirit guide is a princess of the Middle Ages." At that time I didn't believe at all in ghost and spiritual things, but it seemed interesting, so I decided to go to that group and listen to the story to make some fun ...
Happy New Year 2019!
2019/01/02 -Experiences
Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. HAPPY NEW YEAR! May this year be your best ever.
No.19 "Did something change as I prayed for my ancestors?"
2018/12/29 -Experiences
honor, spiritualThank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. Why I decided to honor for my ancestors is here. The way I did it is here. I decided to pray for my ancestors with the method that I can do. The method was to prepare "Drinking water", "Incense stick", "Candy " for 38 days and pray. At the beginning, I didn't know how to tell my gratitude and prayer words so it felt very difficult for me. But I managed to finish it! After trying for 38 ...
No.18 "The reason I honored for my ancestors souls! part2"
2018/12/15 -Experiences
Spiritual, Story of ancestorThank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. To continue from previous story. I realized that when visit to specific places from several years ago, my condition was bad. That was "my grandmother's house" and "when I visit to a grave". I wonder is there any possibility that some of my ancestors are dissatisfied with something? For example, ancestors couldn't go to the other world, they has regret or they are dissatisfied with something etc. So I decided to honor for my ancestors souls. When I ...
No.17 "The reason I honored for my ancestors souls! part1"
2018/12/01 -Experiences
Spiritual, InspirationThank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. In recent years's story. When I go to my grandmother's house, I realized that my condition was bad the next day. "My grandmother's house might be dusty...?" So I tried many things ,but after all I fell bad the next day. Another day. When I visit my ancestors graves, I get a headache the next day. Even if visited on a different day, the result was the same. I didn't feel so good. I realized that when visit ...
No.14 "Try Pendulum Dowsing! part2"
2018/10/13 -Experiences
Pendulum DowsingThank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. To continue from previous story. I decided to try Pendulum Dowsing, but it hardly worked. "Does this really move? I'm going to try it without giving up!" So, I began to search how to work the pendulum. Move the Pendulum Dowsing. First of all, have your pendulum. You can hold chain as you like. Generally, the pendulum held with your thumb and forefinger, but I think you can hold chain (or cord) as you like. You may not ...
No.13 "Try Pendulum Dowsing! part1"
2018/09/29 -Experiences
How to, Pendulum DowsingThank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. When I search for about the spiritual world, I sometimes find the words "Pendulum Dowsing". I couldn't understand the words "Pendulum", but I knew a little about "Dowsing". That image is here. ●Detecting something like searching a water vein. ●Tool used by hypnotist. They use Dowsing and say, "You're getting sleepy..." I realized that I got interested in Dowsing. Because it is said that we can easily experience spiritual world when using it. I decided to get my ...
No.4 "Why did I get interested in spiritual things? part 3"
2018/06/23 -Experiences
Aura (Human energy field)Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual manga website, I express with manga what I felt and experienced. To continue from previous story. I was interested in aura and decided to investigate soon. I have learned it little by little from books and websites. They had some common points, so I would like to introduce it today. ○ Aura has generally 7 main layers. ○ You can see the aura until the 2nd layer even if there is no spiritual ability. ○ When practicing to see your aura, I recommended you try seeing your hands. White ...