Aim to get inspiration! Spiritual manga



No.29 "The lucky keychain!? Is object reside spiritual things or feeling?"


Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced.

The story of 2006.

When I were looking at the goods at an Asian grocery store, I found an intrigued item. It was a small figurine keychain.It was a small wood carving sculpture. They were of many types, carrying musical instruments, sitting cross-legged and more. I thought "It should be like an amulet of another country!"

Usually I'm not interested in like that goods, but somehow I decided to buy the keychain. Moreover, I bought also two! Thus the keychains were attached to my bag. A few days after that, a little good lucks came to me. Good luck was also about money, I realized that I could get windfall nearly 100,000 yen. "Maybe it's just my imagination but I have been lucky since I bought these two keychains."

Just when I was thinking about that...I noticed that the sculptures I attached on my bag had one neck and the other legs lost! However I didn't remember they hit somewhere. A part of their body disappeared and small lucky seems ran away with them.

Did they have something to do with my small lucky?

What is the spiritual power entering objects?

Even if you cannot see it, some objects can have various feelings and other spiritual things. I'm introducing objects that are easy for spiritual things to enter.

○ Doll
○ Stuffed animals or object like a sculpture
○ Mineral
○ Mask such as sculpture
○ Charm (Amulet)
○ Handmade ptoduct
○ Kimono etc

Doll that is shaped like a person often appears in scary work such as ghost stories. As I wrote in the last article, the Katashiro(形代) or the famous Japanese doll called “Wara-ningyo 藁人形(straw doll)” is also in the shape of a person. I have heard that some Japanese people feel that they're scared of Japanese dolls(日本人形) and Hina dolls(雛人形).

I hear such stories about minerals and rings.
For example, some of you may have heard about "Hope Diamond". In my familiar stories, I sometimes hear that "Don't bring the river stone home."
Then, in the case of handmade products, there's a possibility that the creator's feelings may put into it. For example, knitting such as friendship bracelet (Misanga) and traditional crafts.

But not all things have a feeling, and not all things are bad. For example, if you strongly hope that "please protect 〜 (your precious person)" at the amulet, it's said that your positive feelings will be into the amulet and have a good effect. Minerals have similar stories, some people with minerals put their wish into crystal. (It's called "Programming") Conversely, if you think "I wish you have a terrible experience!!", it's possible that you put your negative feeling into objects as a tool for a curse.

I think objects can be bad tools and good tools, depending on how you use them.

What was that figurine keychains?

This is the photo I took. This keychain is still only one left. Before I realized it, another one have been lost...

His original appearance was a keychain with a dignified face. I get small fortunes and extra Income until he had this appearance, so I think it wasn't a bad things! On the contrary it was a rather good things...!
However, it's still shrouded in mystery how the keychains has brought me good lucks.


I can hardly see spiritual things, but I think it's best not to be nervous if something is in it or not and to live your life normally haha.
However, if something happen strange or the bad thing continues, you may need to deal with it. This is the story I read before.
"There was a person who bought to a used motorcycle. (The person was attracted to it intensely.) The person had gotten into frequent accidents after buying that motorcycle. When he let it go, everything was back to normally."

If you get some interesting goods, have fun!
See you next time!



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