Aim to get inspiration! Spiritual manga


「 Aura (Human energy field) 」 一覧

No.10 "Shiny objects!? This is Prana!"

Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. The story of about 2015. About one year passed since I started practicing to see the aura. (The story is here.)I could see something like steam, but the situation almost wasn't progressing. So I looked it up on the internet and found the mysterious words "Prana". It was written that "If you see the prana, it's a good practice for improving the aura reading." I had never heard of the words "Prana"...What is it? What is Prana? Prana ...

No.4 "Why did I get interested in spiritual things? part 3"

Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual manga website, I express with manga what I felt and experienced. To continue from previous story. I was interested in aura and decided to investigate soon. I have learned it little by little from books and websites. They had some common points, so I would like to introduce it today. ○ Aura has generally 7 main layers. ○ You can see the aura until the 2nd layer even if there is no spiritual ability. ○ When practicing to see your aura, I recommended you try seeing your hands. White ...

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