Aim to get inspiration! Spiritual manga


「 月別アーカイブ:2018年12月 」 一覧

No.19 "Did something change as I prayed for my ancestors?"

2018/12/29   -Experiences

Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. Why I decided to honor for my ancestors is here. The way I did it is here. I decided to pray for my ancestors with the method that I can do. The method was to prepare "Drinking water", "Incense stick", "Candy " for 38 days and pray. At the beginning, I didn't know how to tell my gratitude and prayer words so it felt very difficult for me. But I managed to finish it! After trying for 38 ...

No.18 "The reason I honored for my ancestors souls! part2"

Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. To continue from previous story. I realized that when visit to specific places from several years ago, my condition was bad. That was "my grandmother's house" and "when I visit to a grave". I wonder is there any possibility that some of my ancestors are dissatisfied with something? For example, ancestors couldn't go to the other world, they has regret or they are dissatisfied with something etc. So I decided to honor for my ancestors souls. When I ...

No.17 "The reason I honored for my ancestors souls! part1"

2018/12/01   -Experiences

Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. In recent years's story. When I go to my grandmother's house, I realized that my condition was bad the next day. "My grandmother's house might be dusty...?" So I tried many things ,but after all I fell bad the next day. Another day. When I visit my ancestors graves, I get a headache the next day. Even if visited on a different day, the result was the same. I didn't feel so good. I realized that when visit ...

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