Aim to get inspiration! Spiritual manga


「 月別アーカイブ:2018年07月 」 一覧

No.8 "The reason I got interested in the shrine."

2018/07/28   -Shrine

Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual manga website, I express with manga what I felt and experienced. The reason I got interested in the shrine Until around 2013 I was thought that " "Shrine? I don't really go there because I'm not interested in that. Many Japanese people visits the shrine in the New Year, but I don't know why they are going to a shrine...". I like to take photo. At that time, I sometimes went to the shrine and took it. However I didn't visit at all...only to take photo. For example, 1. ...

No.7 "The reason I started collecting minerals."

2018/07/14   -Mineral

Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual manga website, I express with manga what I felt and experienced. The reason I started collecting stones. The story started in May 2016. When I was surfing the net, I met the page selling the stone "Aquamarine". At that time, I wasn't interested in stone (mineral, gem). But that day was different. "Oh, it is a gem called aquamarine. What a beautiful stone!" I didn't wear any accessories then, so gave up to buy it once. However, However, I couldn't get it out of my head. Yes, I realized ...

No.6 " Disappeared aura! What is the important point of seeing the aura?"

2018/07/07   -Aura (Human energy field)

Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual manga website, I express with manga what I felt and experienced. To continue from previous story. I had been trying to see something like an aura in a dim place and finally succeeded! The next day, I tried to see it again. But...What? It disappeared completely... I couldn't see it. I wonder what I saw last night was a illusion ....?? What is the important point of seeing the aura? On the previous story, I was be able to see the aura in my hands. There are several recommended ...

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