Aim to get inspiration! Spiritual manga


「Cat」 一覧

No.26 "The meeting with my cat Wasabi!"

2019/04/16   -Cat

Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. I will write about meeting with one of the three cats "Wasabi" this time, it's a long story. About November 2017. My parents and I visited my mother's parents' house. The maternal grandparents died and no one lived in the house so this house was planned to be dismantled soon. The garden was overgrown with weeds and I was getting rid of them. And then, I found four kittens there. Every kitten had a very cute face, but ...

No.20 "The fateful meeting with my cat Aporo."

2019/01/19   -Cat

Thank you for visiting my web! This site is my spiritual comic website, I express with comic what I felt and experienced. This time I will introduce about my cat Aporo. She often appears in my comic. Meeting with my cat Aporo In September 2012. One autumn night, when I came home there was a cat at the entrance. The cat was a little thin and the fur was rough, but she has beautiful blue eyes. "Meow!" She noticed and got closer to me. I was surprised because she was very friendly cat. From that day she began to visit ...

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